Scoil Naomh Colmáin - Clara National School

Parents' Information
Enrolment 2022-2023
To apply for a place for your child in our school, please go to the Policies section and download the Admissions Application Form. The application form for September 2022 will be available to view in January 2022.
Clara National School runs a Rental Book Scheme for all classes to ensure that the costs associated with booklists are kept to a minimum.
Booklists for 2021-22 will be added to the website in June.
The school has been using the Aladdin Administrative System since 2018 and among its many features, allows for communication with parents through email and facilitates online payments.
While email is our main method of communication through Aladdin, we also use Text-a-parent to keep all our parents fully informed of school events and happenings.