Scoil Naomh Colmáin - Clara National School

Music and Dance
in Our School
Music and Dance
Music and Dance at Clara NS
Children in Clara N.S. are exposed to a well-rounded education which we feel plays a vital role in their overall development going forward.
In addition to the academic areas of the curriculum, we continue to foster the longstanding tradition of providing Irish dancing classes on a weekly basis to all children from Junior Infants to 6th Class. Our Irish dancing teacher is Evelyn Shortall and she visits the school every Tuesday.
Music is a powerful tool – whether it be singing a song, listening to a piece of music or playing an instrument. Complementing the melodies and rhythms one can hear from individual classrooms, our school hall comes alive with the sound of the recorders and violins in our school orchestra every Friday under the guidance of Margaret O Faoláin. All pupils in 4th, 5th and 6th class are members of the orchestra.
Each class from 1st to 6th receives formal tuition in playing the recorder while there is also the opportunity to learn the violin.
The fruits of these labours are available for all to appreciate at our annual Outdoor Concert, every June where the years of practice and enjoyment at these two particular arts are a joy to witness.
The school orchestra also perform at the celebration of First Holy Communion each year.
Choir in Clara NS
The school choir, under the leadership of Ms. Mairéad Fitzgerald, perform at our First Holy Communion and Confirmation celebrations and at various community events.