Scoil Naomh Colmáin - Clara National School


Vision of St Colman's NS

‘That the parents of Clara will be happy and proud to send their children to St. Colman’s N.S., that they and the local community will hold the teaching staff in the highest esteem because of the professionalism of their work and that the children on leaving the school will be acceptable anywhere.’

School Philosophy / Mission
St. Colman’s N.S. aims to provide a happy, friendly environment where each child reaches his/her potential and will learn to co-exist in harmony with teachers, parents and fellow pupils.
The school encourages the philosophy of education basic to the two main principles and aims of primary education as stated in the primary school curriculum:
To enable the child to live a full life as a child
To equip him/her to avail of further education so that he/she may go on to live a full and useful life in society
It is the policy of this school to communicate openly with all partners in education and it recognises its responsibility to contribute to the community it serves. A code of behaviour is maintained in the school.
We acknowledge fully that our school is a catholic school and we share in the responsibility of transmitting knowledge and attitudes that will enable the children to grow in our religious faith. Children from other religions and cultures are made equally welcome in our school.
The teachers will provide stimulating work for the children they teach and it will be carefully planned out while assessment and evaluation of children’s progress will be ongoing, constantly updated and functional.
The school will make every effort to keep abreast of innovations in education and will make changes where there is a benefit to the child.
It is our wish that the pupils leave St. Colman’s N.S. with a responsible attitude to the world they live in and that they will be equipped to serve the wider communities they enter into.
St. Colman’s N.S. fully recognises its obligation to the community of Clara and the teachers and pupils will contribute to the community through education, sport, music, drama and the preparation of sacraments.

School Day / Weekly Routines

ï‚· The school opens for the reception of pupils at 8.45am.
ï‚· School starts at 9.20a.m. and ends at 2.00 p.m. for Junior and Senior Infants.
ï‚· School starts at 9.20 a.m. and ends at 3.00 p.m. for 1st to 6th class.
ï‚· The School Day begins and ends with prayer.
ï‚· Lunch breaks are from 11.00 a.m. to 11.10 a.m. and from 1.00 p.m. to 1.30 p.m. There are designated play areas for each class.
ï‚· Messages to classes by pupils are delivered ‘as Gaeilge’.
ï‚· Each class is timetabled for P.E. in the Hall every week.
ï‚· Irish Dancing takes place for all classes on Tuesday.
ï‚· Recorder, Orchestra and Violin classes take place on Friday.
ï‚· Religion Classes are timetabled for a half an hour per day.
ï‚· Assembly is held in the Hall at regular intervals.
ï‚· A student council is nominated from our 2nd to 6th classes each year
ï‚· Swimming classes are organised for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes during school hours during 1st and 3rd term.

School Curriculum

The general aims of the Primary Curriculum in Ireland are:
To enable the child to live a full life as a child and to realise his/her potential as a unique individual
To enable the child to develop as a social being through living and co-operating with others and so contribute to the good of society
To prepare the child for further education and lifelong learning
In Clara N.S. we aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum reflecting the many dimensions of human experience, activity and expression and which is directed to the full potential of every child.
As a staff, we are committed to fostering the children’s holistic development by providing a wide variety of curricular and co-curricular learning opportunities and extra- curricular activities.
More than anything, we want the children to be happy and safe in our school. where effective teaching and active learning take place within a Catholic ethos.
The following subjects are taught in line with the revised primary school curriculum.
Language: Gaeilge & English
Social, Environmental & Scientific Education (S.P.H.E): History, Geography & Science
Arts Education: Music, Visual Arts and Drama
Physical Education (P.E).
Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E): Social, Personal and Health Education.
There are national guidelines regarding the amount of time to be allocated to each curriculum area.
In recent years a new Primary Language Curriculum has been introduced. The New Maths Curriculum for primary schools is not now expected to be published until 2022.